The juris doctor degree: a strong legal foundation

Washburn Law's Juris Doctor program offers a dynamic and comprehensive legal education designed to prepare you for a successful career in law. Our curriculum is thoughtfully structured, beginning with a strong foundation in the first year and expanding into specialized areas of study as you progress. With flexible enrollment options, we cater to your individual needs and schedule. Our renowned Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing Program ensures you develop critical skills essential for legal practice, while our dedicated academic support team is here to guide you every step of the way.
Curriculum Washburn Law recognizes that there are many different paths into and out of law school. To provide its graduates with the maximum flexibility for career options, Washburn Law has carefully designed its first-year and upper-level curriculum, including its requirements and electives, to ensure that graduates from its juris doctor program succeed in the legal profession. The juris doctor degree is awarded to an individual upon the successful completion of 90 credit hours.

Washburn Law's first-year program gives you a meaningful start on your legal education, covering the essential principles and skills of legal practice and providing a solid foundation for the following years of law school.

  • Academic skills program. Every student participates in our nationally recognized academic skills program, which provides the support needed for success in law school, on the bar exam, and in law practice. Incoming students take advantage of this program by starting law school a week earlier than second-and third-year students, and this rigorous first-week program teaches strategies to develop the skills needed for academic success. 
  • First-year courses. First-year students take courses in criminal law, property, torts, civil procedure, contracts, constitutional law, and legal analysis, research and writing.
    • Students starting in the fall take the following courses their first year:
      • Fall term - 14 total credit hours
        • Criminal Law - 3 credit hours
        • Property - 4 credit hours
        • Torts - 4 credit hours
        • Legal Analysis, Research & Writing I - 3 credit hours
      • Spring term - 15 total credit hours
        • Civil Procedure - 4 credit hours
        • Contracts - 4 credit hours
        • Constitutional Law I - 4 credit hours 
        • Legal Analysis, Research & Writing II - 3 credit hours
    • Students starting in the spring take the following courses their first year:
      • Spring term - 15 total credit hours
        • Civil Procedure - 4 credit hours
        • Contracts - 4 credit hours
        • Constitutional Law I - 4 credit hours 
        • Legal Analysis, Research & Writing I - 3 credit hours
      • Fall term - 14 total credit hours
        • Criminal Law - 3 credit hours
        • Property - 4 credit hours
        • Torts - 4 credit hours
        • Legal Analysis, Research & Writing II - 3 credit hours

After gaining the necessary foundation and skills in their first year, students enjoy a robust curriculum and the chance to delve into a diverse array of subjects. In addition to meeting upper-level requirements, we encourage you to tailor your legal study to align with your unique interests, and many of our students go on to add a specific focus by participating in one of certificate programs or our clinical and externship placements. You can also take advantage of our signature Centers for Excellence in advocacy, business and transactional law, children and family law, international and comparative law, intellectual property and technology law, oil and gas law, and law and government.   

  • Core courses. In addition to the first-year curriculum, students must complete a range of core courses developed to provide a comprehensive legal foundation. These courses include: 
    • Professional Responsibility
    • Constitutional Law II
    • Civil Procedure II
    • Criminal Procedure
    • Evidence
  • Perspective on law courses. Students must also select at least one course focusing on a particular area of law. These courses include areas such as artificial intelligence, corporate compliance, family law, international law, natural resources law,  race and the law, tax law and tribal law. In choosing electives, it is important to remember that law school is an opportunity to provide a broad foundation in the law. Therefore, we encourage students to select courses across a wide range of topics. Even if they know they want to specialize in a certain area, studying other areas of law helps them to understand the impact on their chosen specialty. 
  • Upper-level writing requirement. Each student completes a rigorous writing experience that reflects the core values of supervised rewriting and individualized feedback. Students undertake supervised rewriting to better organize contents, further develop a point or thesis, recast ideas in more sophisticated language, achieve analytical flow and clarity, and furnish accurate and proper citations.
  • Upper-Level Oral Presentation Requirement. This requirement reflects the core values of students' ability to speak and listen to others in a professional manner that is appropriate to the audience and the circumstances. All students in their second or third year of law school make a substantial oral presentation. This presentation can take place in the context of a law school course or as a member of a competition team.  
  • Skills courses. Students also take six additional credit hours of skills courses to gain the experience to navigate the legal landscape better. These courses cover a range of practical skills from cross-examination techniques and legal research to drafting contracts, negotiation and interviewing and counseling clients. Students can also satisfy the skills requirement through participation in Third Year Anywhere® or Washburn Law's other externship programs.
  • Multiple assessment courses. For students needing additional academic support, Washburn Law offers these foundation courses, which include exercises, quizzes and other activities designed to provide students with assessment and faculty feedback throughout the semester. 

Washburn Law recognizes that there are many different paths into and out of law school. To provide its graduates with the maximum flexibility for career options, Washburn Law has carefully designed its first-year and upper-level curriculum, including its requirements and electives, to ensure that graduates from its juris doctor program achieve and exceed the ABA mandated learning outcomes. Upon graduation from Washburn Law:

  1. Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of the law and the legal system.
    1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the terms, rules, and principles of law.
    2. Students will read authority, identify the rules within the authority, and synthesize those rules into a logical framework for analysis.
    3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of organization, hierarchy, and relationships within the legal system.
    4. Students will demonstrate an understanding of primary and secondary sources of law and the ways in which they relate to one another.
  2. Graduates will demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills
    1. Students will apply controlling legal principles to legal problems.
    2. Students will use analogical reasoning to solve legal problems.
    3. Students will use policy-based reasoning to solve legal problems.
  3. Graduates will communicate effectively.
    1. Students will write in a clear, concise, well-organized, professional manner that is appropriate to the audience and the circumstances.
    2. Students will speak in a clear, concise, well-organized, professional manner that is appropriate to the audience and the circumstances.
    3. Students will demonstrate active listening in communications with others, including legal professionals and laypersons.
  4. Graduates will demonstrate competency in legal practice skills.
    1. Students will demonstrate the ability to conduct legal research.
    2. Students will demonstrate the ability to conduct a factual investigation.
    3. Students will demonstrate the ability to interview and counsel a client.
    4. Students will demonstrate the ability to negotiate and advocate on behalf of a client in appropriate circumstances.
    5. Students will demonstrate the ability to draft documents used in legal practice.
  5. Graduates will possess the requisite skills to recognize and resolve dilemmas in an ethical and professional manner.
    1. Students will articulate the sources, structure, and substance of the laws governing the ethics of the legal profession.
    2. When presented with a dilemma drawn from case-based or hypothetical facts, students will articulate the relevant and applicable ethical standards, apply those ethical standards, and propose one or more resolutions that result in an ethical outcome.
    3. Students will consistently exercise professional and ethical responsibilities.
  6. Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of the importance of service to the profession and to the community at large, both nationally and internationally.
    1. Students will demonstrate an awareness of and a willingness to contribute to the profession's responsibility to ensure access to justice.
    2. Students will demonstrate a willingness to contribute to serving the underserved and traditionally marginalized communities.
    3. Students will understand comparative perspectives on law, whether from international or foreign legal systems, other academic disciplines, or other critical viewpoints, and will use those perspectives as tools for critiquing or challenging the role of law in society.
    4. Students will recognize the existence and value of diversity both within the legal profession and among the clients it serves.

The Washburn Law curriculum is designed to enable graduates to successfully participate in the professional environment that most juris doctors aspire to work in as practicing lawyers or as professionals in other disciplines.

Flexible enrollment options

Early admission programs

For students interested in accelerating the completion of their bachelor's and juris doctor degrees, Washburn has partnered with several state institutions to offer a program that allows completion of both degrees in six years rather than seven. These programs allow students early career entry, cost savings and a more focused approach to their education.
Early admission programs

Spring start enrollment

While the majority of students begin their legal education in the fall, many students find they need more flexibility. As a first-year Washburn Law student, you can choose to begin your studies either in the fall or spring. Spring-start students, who begin courses in January, enjoy the same benefits of their fall-start counterparts, including eligibility for academic scholarships and our first-week orientation program. In addition, they also have the added benefit of entering school with a smaller group of students creating a stronger sense of community, allowing for increased collaboration and engagement.
Spring start enrollment

Dual degree programs

Washburn Law has partnered with Washburn University to offer four versatile dual degree options. Students wanting to distinguish themselves with advanced training can earn their JD degree while also obtaining a master's degree through the School of Business or the School of Applied Studies. These degree options include

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA),
  • Master of Accountancy (MAcc),
  • Master of Social Work (MSW) or
  • Master of Criminal Justice (MCJ). 
Dual degree programs

Legal analysis, research and writing

Building a strong foundation
At Washburn University School of Law, our highly-ranked Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing (LARW) program provides an unparalleled foundation in essential lawyering skills, beginning in the first year and continuing throughout your legal education. Frequently recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top 20 legal research and writing programs, our LARW curriculum is primarily staffed by full-time, tenure-track faculty who are deeply committed to student success. This unique structure, combined with our robust focus on both objective and persuasive legal reasoning, ensures that students receive comprehensive training in legal analysis, research, and writing.
A student takes notes while studying at a table in the library.

Academic support

Washburn Law has developed a extensive academic support program to help you maximize your potential for success in law school, on the bar exam, and in law practice. Incoming students take advantage of this program by attending our rigorous first-week program where they learn the strategies to develop the skills needed for academic success throughout law school. Once the academic year begins, students participate in our small group mentoring program and our nationally recognized legal research and writing program. They also have access to academic fellows who offer academic support and guidance. 

In addition, Washburn Law understands that bar exam preparation begins the first year of law school so students now have access to BARBRI materials starting their first semester. BARBRI, known as the leader in bar preparation programs, offers a range of supplemental resources to aid in law school courses, and each Washburn Law student receives these as part of the cost of attendance.

The Washburn Law Clinic

Real-world experience with real clients

Students in the Washburn Law Clinic gain real-world practice experience under the supportive supervision of our clinic faculty while make a difference in their community by helping those who would otherwise be unable to afford an attorney.

As part of the clinic experience, students have the opportunity to apply the educational foundations and legal knowledge gained in their other law classes in a professional and practical learning environment by representing real clients in real cases. Students are not merely law clerks performing support work; but rather, the Washburn Law clinical program is structured so that students have primary responsibility for their clients' cases

Washburn Law offers clinical experience through the Law Clinic in civil practice, criminal defense, family justice and immigration and small business and nonprofit transactional law. In addition, students can also gain real-world client experience in criminal appellate advocacy and income tax assistance through other school programs.

The exterior of the Washburn Law Clinic on a sunny day.

Reaching the end goal

Bar prep at Washburn
Achieving success on the bar exam is a crucial milestone on your path to becoming a licensed attorney. At Washburn Law, we understand the importance of thorough preparation, which is why we've created a bar prep program designed to support you every step of the way. In collaboration with BARBRI, the leader in bar exam preparation, we offer an integrated approach that begins in your first year and continues until you graduate. Our program includes a vast array of study aids, practice questions, MPRE preparation, and intensive post-graduation review courses. With these exceptional resources and unwavering support, you’ll be fully prepared to excel on the bar exam and embark on a successful legal career.
A graduate chats with guests after commencement.

Third Year Anywhere®

It's where you want to be®

Washburn Law is proud to offer the innovative Third Year Anywhere® program, the first of its kind, providing an unparalleled opportunity for students to compete their final year of law school in the geographic area where they plan to practice after graduation. This program is perfect for those who want to gain real-world experience while not being confined to Topeka or even Kansas. 

Students participating in Third Year Anywhere® extern 20 hours per week in sectors such as corporate, government, higher education, judicial, law firm, public interest, or even underserved rural locations. This immersive experience allows students to earn credit while enhancing their practice-readiness and gaining significant legal work experience. In addition to gaining this practical experience, students can study where they intend to take the bar exam, interview for jobs in their chosen market, and even earn income from paid placements.