Former Dean and Professor Emeritus, James Concannon, Passes Away

Photograph: Former Dean James Concannon

It is with the deepest sadness we must share that former Dean Jim Concannon, long-serving dean and faculty member in the School of Law, passed away on Saturday, June 17, 2023.  

Jim was a tremendous dean, a respected faculty member for 50 years and an exemplary colleague and mentor. He was a leader in the state and the nation in legal education, and we know his passing will be deeply felt throughout the legal community.  

A pillar of the School of Law and the University, he loved Washburn deeply and his impact has left his students and colleagues forever changed. His commitment to Washburn Law and to the many students’ lives he touched during his career was truly invaluable and inspirational. 

He will be dearly missed, and we all feel a debt for how he impacted our University.