Linda Henry Elrod Publications, Presentations, and Other Activity

Articles in Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

"Review of the Law in the 50 States in 2023: ICWA Survives and State Courts Tackle Thorny Jurisdictional Issues," 57 Family Law Quarterly ___ (forthcoming, Summer 2024).

"Review of the Law in the 50 States in 2022: U.S. Supreme Court Shakes Up Family Law Policy," 56 Family Law Quarterly 275 (2023).

"Review of the Year 2021 in Family Law: Getting Back to Normal," 55 Family Law Quarterly 397 (2022).

"Review of the Year 2020 in Family Law: COVID-19, Zoom, and Family Law in a Pandemic," 54 Family Law Quarterly 281 (2021).

"Review of the Year 2018-2019 in Family Law: Jurisdiction and Choice of Law Issues Abound," 53 Family Law Quarterly 265 (Winter 2020) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act: Adding Another ADR Option: Part I of II," 34(2) American Journal of Family Law 47 (Summer 2020).

"The Need for Confidentiality in Evaluative Processes: Arbitration and Med/Arb in Family Law Cases," 58 Family Court Review 26 (2020).

"Review of the Year in Family Law 2017-2018: Courts Tackle Immigration, Jurisdiction and the Usual Disputes in Family Law," 52 Family Law Quarterly 519 (Winter 2019).

"Review of the Year 2017 in Family Law: Immigration Issues Impact Families," 51 Family Law Quarterly 501 (2018) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"Review of the Year 2015-2016 in Family Law: Domestic Dockets Stay Busy," 50 Family Law Quarterly 501 (2017) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law 2014-2015: Family Law Continues to Evolve as Marriage Is Equality Attained," 49 Family Law Quarterly 545 (2016) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"Review of the Year in Family Law 2013-2014: Same-Sex Couples Attain Rights to Marry and Parent," 48 Family Law Quarterly 609 (2015) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"Japan Joins Hague Abduction Convention: England Returns Child," 48 Family Law Quarterly 351 (2014).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law 2012-2013: A Banner Year for Same-Sex Couples," 47 Family Law Quarterly 505 (2014) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law 2011-2012: 'DOMA' Challenges Hit Federal Courts and Abduction Cases Increase," 46 Family Law Quarterly 471 (2013) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Numbers of Disputes Increase," 45 Family Law Quarterly 443 (2012) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"'Please Let Me Stay': Hearing the Voice of the Child in Hague Abduction Cases," 63 Oklahoma Law Review 663(2011).

"A Child's Perspective of Defining a Parent: The Case for Intended Parenthood," 25 BYU Journal of Public Law 245 (2011) (Symposium issue on Belonging, Families and Family Law, J. Reuben Clark School of Law, Brigham Young University, January 28, 2011). [2.1 MB PDF]

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Working Toward More Uniformity in Laws Relating to Families," 44 Family Law Quarterly 469 (2011) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"National and International Momentum Builds for More Child Focus in Relocation Disputes," 44 Family Law Quarterly 341 (2010).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Looking at Interjurisdictional Recognition," 43 Family Law Quarterly 923 (2010) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law 2007-2008: Federalization and Naturalization Continue," 42 Family Law Quarterly 713 (2009) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"Paradigm Shifts and Pendulum Swings in Child Custody: The Interests of Children in the Balance," 42 Family Law Quarterly 381 (2008) (co-author with Milfred D. Dale). Reprinted: 26:6 GPSolo 14 (September 2009) ("The Best Articles Published by the ABA" issue containing articles from other ABA sections, forums, and divisions; sent to 30,000 ABA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division members and magazine subscribers). Cited in:

"A Review of the Year in Family Law 2006-2007: Judges Try to Find Answers to Complex Questions," 41 Family Law Quarterly 661 (2008) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"Client-Directed Lawyers for Children: It is the 'Right' Thing To Do," 27 Pace Law Review 869 (2007).

"Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act (Statutory Text, Comments and Unofficial Annotations)," 41 Family Law Quarterly 23 (2007).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: ERISA, Jurisdiction, and Third-Party Cases Multiply," 40 Family Law Quarterly 545 (2007) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"A Move in the Right Direction?: Best Interests of the Child Emerging as Standard for Relocation Cases," 3:3/4 Journal of Child Custody 29 (2006).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Parentage and Assisted Reproduction Problems Take Center Stage," 39 Family Law Quarterly 879 (2006) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"Family Law and Human Rights: The United States Perspective," 7 International Law Forum 167 (2005). [420 KB PDF]

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: 'Same-Sex' Marriage Issue Dominates Headlines," 38 Family Law Quarterly 777 (2005) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"Washburn Law School Celebrates a Century of Welcoming Women," 42 Washburn Law Journal 853 (2004). [286 KB PDF]

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Children's Issues Remain the Focus," 37 Family Law Quarterly 527 (2004) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"Raising the Bar for Lawyers Who Represent Children: ABA Standards of Practice for Custody Cases," 37 Family Law Quarterly 105 (2003). Cited in:

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Increased Mobility Creates Conflicts," 36 Family Law Quarterly 515 (2003) (co-author with Robert G. Spector)

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: State Courts React to Troxel," 35 Family Law Quarterly 577 (2002). (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Redefining Families, Reforming Custody Jurisdiction, and Refining Support Issues," 34 Family Law Quarterly 607 (2001) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"Reforming the System to Protect Children in High Conflict Custody Cases," 28 William Mitchell Law Review 495 (2001). Cited in:

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Century Ends with Unresolved Issues," 33 Family Law Quarterly 865 (2000) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"Epilogue: Of Families, Federalization, and a Quest for Policy," 33 Family Law Quarterly 843 (1999).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Children's Issues Dominate" 32 Family Law Quarterly 661 (1999). (co-author with Robert G. Spector and Jeff Atkinson).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: A Search for Definitions and Policy," 31 Family Law Quarterly 613 (1998) (co-author with Robert G. Spector).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Welfare Reform, Standards and Relocation Issues," 30 Family Law Quarterly 765 (1997).

"Child Support Reassessed: Federalization of Enforcement Nears Completion," 1997 University of Illinois Law Review 695 (1997). Cited in:

  • Wolf v. Wolf (Pennsylvania Com. Pl., November 13, 2003).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law: Children's Issues Take Spotlight," 29 Family Law Quarterly 741 (1996) (co-authored with Robert G. Spector).

"Equality in Family Law: The American Perspective," Gleichheit im Familienricht: 269 Bea Verschraegen, ed. Gieseking-Verlag, (1996).

"An Analysis of the Proposed Standards of Practice for Lawyers Representing Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases," 64 Fordham Law Review 1999 (1996). [724 KB PDF]

"Proposed Standards of Practice for Lawyers Who Represent Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases," 29 Family Law Quarterly 375 (1995).

"A Review of the Year in Family Law," 28 Family Law Quarterly 541 (1995).

"Family Law in the Fifty States 1993-1994," 28 Family Law Quarterly 573 (1995).

"Restructuring Schools as Families: Report of a Conference," 28 Family Law Quarterly 347 (1994).

"Family Law in the Fifty States: An Overview," 26 Family Law Quarterly 319 (1993) (co-author with Timothy B. Walker).

"Counsel for the Child in Custody Disputes: The Time is now," 26 Family Law Quarterly 53 (1992). Cited in:

  • Fox v. Wills (Maryland Court of Appeals, January 18, 2006).

"The Federalization of Child Support Guidelines," 6 Journal of the American Academy Matrimonial Lawyers 103 (1990). Published Spring 1991. [1.1 MB PDF]. Cited in:

"Hearsay and Custody: The Twice Told Story," 21 Family Law Quarterly 169 (1987).

"Kansas Child Support Guidelines," 56 Journal of the Kansas Bar Association 23 (1987).

"Kansas Child Support Guidelines: An Elusive Search for Fairness in Support Orders," 27 Washburn Law Journal 104 (1987). [2.5 MB PDF]

"Ten Ways to Help Clients Make Shared Custody Work," 7 Fair$hare No. 5 (May 1987).

"The Widening Door of Alimony," 8 Family Advocate 4 (1986).

"Enforcing Child Support Using the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act," 36 National Journal of Juvenile & Family Court Judges 57 (1985).

"Using URESA to Establish the Initial Support Obligation," 5 Fair$hare No. 1 (January 1985). Reprinted in Contemporary Matrimonial Law Issues - A Guide to Divorce Economics and Practice (1985).

"Congress Tackles Domestic Relations Issues - A Look at the Changes in Divorce Taxation and Child Support Enforcement," 53 Journal of the Kansas Bar Association 283 (Winter 1984).

"Vanishing Farmlands and Decaying Downtowns: The Case for Growth Management," 51 Journal of the Kansas Bar Association 18 (1982).

"Housing Alternatives for the Elderly," 18 Journal of Family Law 723 (1980). [1.4 MB PDF]

"Practicing Law in a Unified Kansas Court System," 16 Washburn Law Journal 260 (1977).

"The Federal Trade Commission: Deceptive Advertising and the Colgate-Palmolive Company," 12 Washburn Law Journal 133 (1973).

"Passive Investment Income: An Analysis of Subchapter S Corporations," 11 Washburn Law Journal 97 (1972).

"Domestic Relations: The Role of Long Arm Statutes," 11 Washburn Law Journal 487 (1971).

Books and Monographs

Child Custody Practice and Procedure. 2024 edition (Thomson Reuters, 2024).

Kansas Family Law: Kansas Law and Practice, Volumes 1 and 2. 2024 edition (Thomson Reuters, 2024).

Child Custody Practice and Procedure. 2023 edition (Thomson Reuters, 2023).

Family Law: Cases, Comments, and Questions. 9th ed. American Casebook Series (co-authored with J. Thomas Oldham and Jamie R. Abrams) (West Academic, 2023).

Kansas Family Law: Kansas Law and Practice, Volumes 1 and 2. 2022-2023 edition (Thomson Reuters, 2022).

Child Custody Practice and Procedure (annually, West Publishing, 2012, Thomson Reuters, 2013-2022).

  • 2013 edition cited in Sumpter v. Sumpter, (Maryland Court of Appeals, December 9, 2013, p. 9, footnote 10 cites Sections 10:11-10:12 (2013); 80 A.3d 1045).

Kansas Family Law: Kansas Law and Practice, Volumes 1 and 2. (annually, 2014-2015 edition - 2018-2022 edition, Thomson Reuters).

Family Law: Cases, Comments, and Questions. 8th ed. American Casebook Series (co-authored with Harry D. Krause and J. Thomas Oldham) (West Academic, 2018) (includes accompanying Teacher's Manual).

Kansas Family Law. (West Group, 1999; supplements, Thomson West, 2000-2014) (with James Buchele).

Family Law: Cases, Comments, and Questions. 7th ed. American Casebook Series. (co-authored with Harry D. Krause and J. Thomas Oldham) (Thomson West, 2013) (includes accompanying Teacher's Manual).

Child Custody Practice and Procedure. (Thomson West, 2004; supplements, West Group, 2005-2011).

Family Law: Cases, Comments, and Questions. 6th ed. American Casebook Series. (co-authored with Harry D. Krause, Marsha Garrison and J. Thomas Oldham) (Thomson West, 2007) (includes accompanying Teacher's Manual).

Family Law: Cases, Comments, and Questions. 5th ed. American Casebook Series. (co-authored with Harry D. Krause, Marsha Garrison and J. Thomas Oldham) (West Group, 2003) (includes accompanying Teacher's Manual).

Child Custody Practice and Procedure.(Clark, Boardman, Callaghan, 1993, supplements 1994-2003).

Family Law: Cases, Comments, and Questions.4th ed. American Casebook Series. (West Group, 1998) (with Krause, Harry; Oldham, Thomas; and Garrison, Marsha) (2000 supplement, co-authored with Tom Oldham and Marsha Garrison) (includes accompanying Teacher's Manual).

Kansas Family Law Handbook. (Kansas Bar Association, 1990 revised edition with 1993 supplement).

Kansas Family Law Handbook. (Kansas Bar Association, 1983).

Chapters in Books

"Teaching Family Law in the United States: Riding the Rollercoaster" in Teaching Family Law: Reflections on Pedagogy and Practice (Henry Kha, Mark Henaghan, eds.) (Routledge, 2023).

"The Global Effort to Deter Parental Kidnapping: A History of The Hague Child Abduction Convention" in Research Handbook on International Child Abduction:The 1980 Hague Convention (Marilyn Freeman, Nicola Taylor, eds.) (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023).

"Child Participation in Custody Proceedings in the United States" in International Handbook on Child Participation (Wendy Schrama, Marilyn Freeman, Nicola Taylor, Marielle Bruning, eds.) (Intersentia, Cambridge UK, 2021).

"Using Geographical Restrictions in the Initial Custody Order" in 101+ Practical Solutions for the Family Lawyer: Sensible Answers to Common Problems, 4th edition (Gregg Mark Herman, ed.) (American Bar Association, 2019).

"Changing Families and the Need for Policy to Protect Children," in Family Law and Family Realities: 16th International Society of Family Law (ISFL) World Conference Book (Carol Rogerson, Masha Antokolskaia, Joanna Miles, Patrick Parkinson, Machteld Vonk, eds.) (Eleven International Publishing, 2019).

"Citizen Children and Unauthorized Immigrant Parents," in Child Rights and International Discrimination Law: Implementing Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Marit Skivenes, Karl Harald Søvig, eds.) (Routledge, 2019).

"The Best Interests of the Child When There is Conflict About Contact," In Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Best Interests, Welfare and Well-being (Elaine E. Sutherland and Lesley Anne Barnes Macfarlane, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

"Child Custody: Back to the Future - Still Searching for Best Interests," (chapter 7) in Family Law in Britain and America in the New Century: Essays in Honor of Sanford N. Katz (John Eekelaar, editor) (Brill Publishers, 2016).

"Hearing the Voice of the Child in Hague Abduction Cases," No. 9, Book 1 Pravni život: casopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu, Special Issue Law and Responsibility, 24th Annual Conference. (Belgrade, Serbia: Bar Association of Serbia, 2011). [1.1 MB PDF]

"Using Geographical Restrictions in the Initial Custody Order" in 101+ Practical Solutions for the Family Lawyer: Sensible Answers to Common Problems, 3rd edition (Gregg Herman, ed.) (American Bar Association, 2009).

"The Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act: A New Tool to Prevent Child Abduction," 2009 Family Law Update 187 (Ron Brown & Laura Morgan, eds. 2009).

"Visitation" (2000 word definition), The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion, (R. A. Shweder, editor-in-chief), (University of Chicago Press, 2009).

"A Move in the Right Direction?: Best Interests of the Child Emerging as Standard for Relocation Cases," in Relocation Issues in Child Custody Cases (Philip M. Stahl, Leslie M. Drozd, editors) (New York : Haworth Press, 2006).

"Family Law in the Midwest," in The American Midwest: An Interpretive Encyclopedia (edited by Richard Sisson, Christian Zacher and Andrew Cayton). Indiana University Press (2006).

"A Brief Look at The American Bar Association Standards of Practice for Lawyers Who Represent Children in Custody Cases," 2005 Family Law Update 177 (Ron Brown & Laura Morgan, ed. 2005).

"Protecting Children in High Conflict Custody Cases" (chapter 2). 2002 Family Law Update (Brown & Morgan, eds.) (2001).

"Preventing the Preference for the Primary Caretaker from Becoming a Disguised Maternal Preference." in 101+ Practical Solutions for the Family Lawyer (Gregg Herman, ed.) (American Bar Association, 1996).

"Adding to the Basic Child Support Obligation" chapter in Child Support Guidelines: The Next Generation (OCSE 1994).

"Women in the Legal Profession," The Law and Lawyers in Kansas History 99 (Kansas State Historical Society, 1992).

"The Role of Child Preference in Custody," Chapter 12. Child Custody and Visitation Law and Practice, Matthew Bender (1986). 52 page chapter.

"Child Custody and Visitation," Chapter 32. Family Law and Practice, Matthew Bender (1985). 248 page chapter.

Other Publications

"Arbitration of Child Related Issues and the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act," 46:2 Family Advocate 14-17 (Fall 2023).

"The Case for Arbitration in Family Law Cases - and for the Uniform Act," 21(2) Dispute Resolution Magazine 18 (American Bar Association, Winter 2017).

"Relocation: Trying to Move on but is it in the Best Interests of the Child?," 4 Sensible Separation Newsletter 5 (Greg Kincaid, ed. September 2014).

"Breaking New Ground in Kansas: Same-Sex Parental and Property Rights," Jurist Forum, April 2, 2013.

"The Federalization of Family Law," 36:3 Human Rights 6 (2009) (special issue on The Evolution of the American Family).

"States Differ On Relocation: A Panorama of Expanding Case Law," 28:4 Family Advocate 8-11 (Spring 2006). Cited in:

"Kansas Relocation Cases: In the Best Interest of the Child," 28:4 Journal of the Kansas Trial Lawyers 13 (March 2005).

"When Should Custody Orders Be Modified - Flexibility versus Stability," 26 Family Advocate 40 (Spring 2004).

Wrote the definitions of "Family Law Practice" "Divorce" and "Annulment" in Oxford Companion to American Law (2002).

"To Move or Not to Move: The Question of the 90s" 13.5 Oklahoma Family Law Journal (1998)

"Current Issues in Representation of Children - A Look at the Proposed ABA Standards for Attorneys Representing Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases" Presentation at Missouri Family Law Meeting, University of Missouri law School, November 11, 1995.

"Children's Rights - An Issue Whose Time has Come," Delta Kappa Gamma, Olathe, Kansas, October 2, 1995.

"Proposed ABA Standards for Attorneys Representing Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases" presentation at ABA Annual Meeting of Family Law Section in Chicago, August 3, 1995, and at the ABA Family Law Section Fall Council Meeting, Beaver Creek, Colorado, September 28, 1995.

"The Razor's Edge: How to Keep the Cutting Edge of Family Law Away from Your Throat," American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Family Law Section program, August 5, 1995.

"Ethical Issues and Child Support Enforcement," Kansas Child Support Enforcement Association Annual Meeting, July 20, 1995.

"Emerging Trends in Family Law, " Kansas Bar Association Annual Meeting, June 5, 1995, Wichita, Kansas.

"Current Directions in Child Custody Litigation," Kansas Bar Association Annual Family Law Institute, April 28, 1995, Topeka, Kansas.

"Malpractice - Sins of Omission or How to Avoid Friendly Fire," 11th Annual Family Law Institute, April 28, 1995, Topeka, Kansas.

"Kansas Bar Review, Personal and Real Property Outline, Winter and Summer, 1988-2004.

Kansas Bar Review, Exam Taking Techniques Outline, Winter and Summer, 1988-2004.

"Kansas Bar Review, Family Law Outline, Winter and Summer, 1988-2004.

"The Effective Appellate Brief" presented as part of Post Trial Notebook at ABA Fall Meeting, Palm Beach, Florida, November 19-22, 1993.

"Basics of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1980" for Kansas Legal Services Training, December 3, 1992.

"Current Trends in Family Law" Kansas Trial Lawyers Domestic Relations Conference, November 6, 1992, Lawrence, Kansas.

"Effects of Divorce on Children" for the Governor's Conference on Child Abuse, October 21, 1992.

"Interstate Enforcement of Child Support," Oklahoma-Kansas Bar Meeting, Shangrala, Oklahoma, October 16-18, 1992.

"Recent Developments in Family Law," in Recent Developments Program, June 30, 1992, Washburn University.

"Primary Caretaker and Parental Alienation Syndrome: Catchwords for the 90's" at the Eighth Annual Family Law Institute, May 1, 1992.

"Basic Principles of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act," Kansas Association of Legal Secretaries Annual Meeting, February 22, 1992.

"Dressing for Success and Others Problems Women Face in Interviewing" for National Association of Law Placement, February 13, 1992, Kansas City, Missouri.

"Early Women Lawyers in Kansas," Kansas Historical Society Collection of Papers, Fall, 1991.

"Of Divorce, Children and National Policy," in Increasing Understanding of Public Problems and Policies - 1991 (Farm Foundation 1991).

"Third Party Custody, Visitation and Child Support: Rethinking the Child's Best Interests" at Seventh Annual Family Law Institute, May 3, 1991.

"Interstate Enforcement of Child Support," Oklahoma-Kansas Bar Meeting, Shangrala, Oklahoma, October 16-18, 1991.

"Child Support - Once More With Feeling" at Sixth Annual Family Law Institute, May 4, 1990.

Outline of Kansas Law for ABA Family Law Section - "Law in Fifty States," May, 1988.

Family Law (1987). 700 page text for Survey of Family Law course.

Land Transactions (1987). Revisions of 1979 text used for Property II course. 650 pages.

Property I Case and Materials (1986). Revisions of text for Property I course. 600 pages.

Comparative Land Use Planning (1985 Foreign Study Program).

"Drafting and Negotiating Shared Custody." An outline presented at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting, in San Francisco (August 9, 1986).

"Litigation Under the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act." An outline presented at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois (August 7, 1984). This outline was adopted by Judge Sylvan Brown for use in the training of judges in Reno, Nevada 1984-1985).

Media Engagement

Quoted, In Mass. and Elsewhere, a Push for Custody Reform," The Boston Globe, August 1, 2015.

Commentary Provided, "Kansas Sues Sperm Donor for Child Support," NBC's The Today Show, January 3, 2013.

Quoted, "Kansas Sperm Donor Fighting Effort by the State to Make Him Pay Child Support," The Washington Post, January 2, 2013.

Quoted, "Spotlight is on State Case Managers who Referee Custody Wars," Topeka Capital Journal, August 12, 2012 (published online as "Spotlight focuses on case manager duties: WU conference to help those who referee custody cases," August 11, 2012).


"Pre-embryos, Parentage and Parental Rights - Or Who Owes Child Support?" Annual Child Support Conference, sponsored by Young Williams Child Support Services, Topeka, Kansas, May 17, 2024.

"Defining 'Child' and 'Parent' in the 21st Century: Pre-embryos, Parentage and Parental Rights," 4th Annual Spring Family Law Seminar, Protecting the Best Interest of the Child Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by Associates in Dispute Resolution LLC, Topeka, Kansas, April 5, 2024.

Panelist, "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories," Jessie Nye Society Lunch & Learn, Women's History Month, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, March 27, 2024.

"Kansas Family Law Update and Parentage Issues," American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and Kansas Bar Association Family Section, Overland Park, Kansas, December 1, 2023.

"Family Law Landmines: Problems with Relocation and Alienation," Kansas Judicial Conference, Overland Park, Kansas, October 26, 2023.

"Establishing, Modifying and Enforcing Custody and Support Orders using the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, the Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act and the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act," Kansas Judicial Conference, Overland Park, Kansas, October 26, 2023.

"The Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act: A Comprehensive Approach to Dispute Resolution That Promotes Timely and Efficient Outcomes," Uniform Law Commission webinar, October 18, 2023 (with Barbara Atwood and Carolyn Zack).

"Making Policy for Today’s Families: Children as the Focal Point," International Brown Bag Luncheon Series, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, September 13, 2023.

Panelist, "A Child's Voice in Court," Family Law Webinar Series, Office of Judicial Administration, Trial Court Services, Topeka, Kansas, May 24, 2023.

"The United States and Operation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction," U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, Global Ties KC, Kansas City, Missouri, May 18, 2023.

"Making Policy for Today's Families: Children as the Focal Point," 18th World Conference (Golden Jubilee Conference) of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL) "Rethinking Law’s Families & Family Law?" Antwerp, Belgium (July 12, 2023). [Spoke at the Book Launch for "Research Handbook on International Child Abduction: The 1980 Hague Convention - authored chapter 4].

"One Parent, Two Parent, Maybe Three Parents?: Parentage in Modern Times," Topeka Legal Professionals Meeting, Topeka, Kansas, October 25, 2022.

"Are You My Mother/Father?: Parentage in Modern Times," Topeka Bar Association CLE Webinar, May 25, 2022.

Speaker, "The Child's Objection to Return under the Hague Abduction Convention - Hearing the Child's Voice," American Bar Association (ABA) International Law Section, Family Law Committee Meeting, May 19, 2022 (with James Netto, International Family Law Group, London, England).

"Defining Parentage for Child Support in the 21st Century: Do I Have Two [or More] Mothers {Fathers}?," Annual YoungWilliams Child Support Today Conference, May 13, 2022.

"History of Family Law Arbitration in the United States" and "Why to Enact The Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act," Family Law Arbitration CLE with a Focus on the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Associates, April 29, 2022.

"Family Law Update: Attorneys, Parentage and Miscellaneous," 2022 Ellis County Bar Association 32nd Annual Gene F. Anderson Memorial CLE, online via zoom, April 28, 2022.

"Are You My Mother/Father? Parentage in Modern Times," Kansas Bar Association Family Law Section Annual CLE, Lawrence, Kansas, April 22, 2022.

Panelist, "The History of Topeka Women in Law," The Topeka Bar Association and the Women Attorneys' Association of Topeka, March Bar Luncheon, Topeka, Kansas, March 4, 2022.

Presented "Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act (UCAPA): Should New York Enact?," International Section of the New York Bar Association, November 4, 2021 (webinar).

"The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Hearing the Voice of the Child," Brown Bag Luncheon, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, October 20, 2021.

"Full Faith and Credit for ART and Parentage Orders," American Bar Association Family Law Section Fall Meeting, plenary session entitled *ART* Full Faith and Credit: Makes No Difference Where You Are...or Does it?, Orlando, Florida, October 9, 2021.

"The Future of Family Law Arbitration," Family Law Update in a Nutshell, Associates in Dispute Resolution Inc. CLE presentation, Topeka, Kansas, June 28, 2021.

"Family Law Update or Fun with UCCJEA & UIFSA," 2021 Selected Topics and Miscellany CLE webinar, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, June 18, 2021.

"Mediation Confidentiality: Reality and Dangers," 14th Annual Fall CLE/CDRE live webinar, Dispute Resolution Through a 2020 Lens sponsored by Associates in Dispute Resolution LLC, Topeka, Kansas, October 9, 2020.

"Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act: Adding Another Avenue to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for Families," 2019 ADR CLE: Updates and Outliers in Dispute Resolution, Kansas Bar Association ADR Section, Topeka, Kansas, November. 8, 2019.

"Ethical Considerations in the Digital Age," Hot Topics in Dispute Resolution, 13th Annual Fall CLE Seminar, Topeka, Kansas, September 20, 2019.

"Evolving Capacities and Weight to be Given Children’s Wishes in Custody Proceedings," Convention on the Rights of the Child Implementation Project: Article 5 Colloquium, Children’s Rights: Families, Guidance and Evolving Capacities, Robinson College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 16-18, 2019.

"Hearing the Voices of Children: Requiring Counsel in International Cases," Conference on Gender, Inclusivity and Protecting the 21st Century Family, sponsored by the International Centre for Family Law, Policy and Practice in association with The University of Westminster, Westminster Law School, London, July 5, 2019.

"New Ethical Challenges Facing Family Lawyers," A Melting Pot of Domestic Topics: Family Law 2019 CLE, Wichita Bar Association, Wichita, Kansas, May 3, 2019.

Panelist, International Women's Day, Women's Legal Forum, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, March 8, 2019.

"Relocation and Jurisdictional Conundrums: Custody and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act," New York State Bar Association Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, January 17, 2019.

"Social Media and Ethics for Lawyers and Mediators," 12th Annual Family Law Case Management Training CLE, Children and Family Law Center, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, December 14, 2018.

"The 21st Century Family: Parentage and Child Support Issues," Missouri Child Support Enforcement Association Professional Training Conference, Springfield, Missouri, November 8, 2018.

"Relocation and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act: Jurisdictional Problems," American Bar Association Family Law Section, September 25, 2018 (webinar with Ashley Tomlinson).

"UCCJEA and Relocation: Jurisdictional Problems," American Bar Association, Section of Family Law Spring CLE Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, May 10, 2018.

"International Family Law: Children and International Relocation, International Family Law and Assisted Reproductive Technologies Law Day, Nashville, Tennessee, May 9, 2018.

"Family Law Update: International, National and State," 29th Annual Ellis County Bar Association and Gene F. Anderson Memorial CLE, Hays, Kansas, May 4, 2018.

"Are you My Mother/Father? What the Ross Case Means Now," 2018 Department for Children and Families (DCF) / Child Support Services Spring CLE, Topeka, Kansas, April 11, 2018.

"Is the Trend toward Using Best Interests in Relocation Cases actually in the Child’s Best Interests?," Family Law in a Changing Society: Changing Family Forms Conference, Edinburgh Centre for Private Law, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 21, 2018.

"Ethical Dilemmas in Settling Cases with Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)," Dispute Resolution Outside the Box, 11th Annual Fall CLE Seminar, Topeka, Kansas, September 29, 2017.

"Ethical Considerations for Lawyers Practicing in a Cyber World," Advanced Family Law CLE, Wichita, Kansas, September 22, 2017.

"Searching for Federal Family Policy," 16th World Congress of the International Society of Family Law, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 29, 2017.

Moderator and facilitator, "High Conflict Divorce," 16th World Congress of the International Society of Family Law, July 26, 2017.

"A Voice, not a Choice: Hearing Children in Custody Cases," 7th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights, Dublin, Ireland, June 5, 2017.

"Discrimination Against Citizen Children," Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Conference, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, April 3-6, 2017.

"Ethical Considerations for Lawyers in a Social Media World," Evaluating Alternatives, Making Good Choices: Family Law's Use of Case Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Tenth Annual Case Management Program), Washburn University School of Law, Children and Family Law Center, Topeka, Kansas, November 10, 2016.

"Preventing Parental Child Abduction Using UCCJEA, PKPA and UCAPA," Cross-Border Family Law Issues CLE at the American Bar Association Family Law Section Fall Meeting, Quebec, Canada,October 22, 2016.

"Same-Sex Marriage: Impact on Child Support Enforcement," Office of Child Support Enforcement Region V and VII Intergovernmental Meeting "Embracing Change, Making Progress," Kansas City, Missouri, September 8, 2016.

"Is America Ready for Arbitration in Family Law?" Conference on Culture, Dispute Resolution and the Modernised Family, sponsored by the International Centre for Family Law, Policy and Practice, King's College London, England, July 7, 2016.

"Helping Your Child Cope with Conflict," Horizons: Solutions for the Future Class for High Conflict Parents, Shawnee County Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas, June 23, 2016.

"Ethics and the Family Lawyer - New Traps for the Unwary," 2016 Selected Topics and Miscellany CLE, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, June 23, 2016.

"Shared Parenting and New Definitions of Parents," International Society of Family Law, North America Regional Conference, Moran, Wyoming, May 22-25, 2016.

"Family Law Arbitration: An Idea Whose Time Has Come," 2015 Kansas Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution CLE, Topeka, Kansas, November 20, 2015.

"Remaining Issues After Obergefell: Parenting and Beyond," Conference of Chief Justices Midyear Meeting, Monterey, California, February 2, 2016.

"The Only Constant is Change: New Frontiers in Marriage and Family Law," 12th Annual Appellate Judges Education Institute Summit, Washington, DC., November 14, 2015 (with Nancy Polikoff).

"Family Law Ethics: New Traps for the Unwary," Advanced Family Law CLE, Cosponsored with Kansas Chapter of American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and Washburn’s Children and Family Law Center, Overland Park, Kansas, September 18, 2015.

"Kansas Custody Law, High Conflict Parents and the Best Interests of Children," Horizons: Solutions for Change, Shawnee County Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas, September 10, 2015.

"Hearing Children's Voices: Interviewing Young Children," 4th Annual Northwest Arizona Symposium on Infant and Toddler Mental Health, Lake Havasu City, Arizona, February 10, 2015.

"Kansas Child Support Guidelines, the Affordable Care Act and Shared Parenting," Topeka Bar Association Family Law CLE, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, January 23, 2015.

"Representing Children in Kansas: Reconciling the Ethical Rules," Guardian ad Litem Training, Washburn University School of Law, Children and Family Law Center, January 9, 2015.

"Best Interests of Children: The Law and the Reality," Horizons, High Conflict Parenting Class, Shawnee County Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas, January 8, 2015.

"Poverty, the Marriage Gap and Why Marriage Matters for Children," Topeka Zonta Club, Kansas, November 18, 2014.

"Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way: Family Law Arbitration is Coming Around the Mountain," American Bar Association Family Law Section Fall CLE Conference, Stowe, Vermont, October 18, 2014.

"Family Law Arbitration - An Idea Whose Time Has Come?," Successfully Managing Dispute Resolution Annual CLE/CME Training Event, Associates in Dispute Resolution, LLC, Topeka, Kansas, October 10, 2014.

Plenary Session Panelist, "Same-Sex Issues: Navigating the Conflicting Legal Landscape of Marriage and the Broader Implications of Other Areas of Law," The Missouri Bar / Missouri Judicial Conference, 2014 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, September 11, 2014.

"Hot Topics in Family Law - Federalization Comes to Family Law," 25th Anniversary of the Kansas Women Attorneys Association Annual Meeting, Lindsborg, Kansas, on July 25, 2014.

"Enforcing Domestic Violence Orders Across Country Borders: A Look at the Uniform Enforcement of Canadian Domestic Violence Orders Act," American Bar Association Section of International Law, International Families: Money, Children and Long-Term Planning, Seattle, Washington, June 20, 2014.

"Kansas Child Support Guidelines and Shared Residency Issues," Young Williams Child Support Services 10th Annual Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, June 6, 2014.

History of Child Custody Laws and Hints for Parents," Horizons, Solutions for Change Co-Parenting Program, Shawnee County Court Services, Topeka, Kansas, May 22, 2014.

Keynote Address, "Making a Difference," CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Annual Awards and Volunteer Recognition Dinner, Topeka, Kansas, April 10, 2014.

“Co-parenting Your Children: Ways to Avoid Conflict,”  Horizons, Solutions for Change Co-Parenting Program, Shawnee County Court Services, Topeka, Kansas, January 9, 2014.

"Defining Parents in the 21st Century: Do I Have Two Mothers [Fathers]?," Appellate Judges Education Institute, San Diego, California, November 17, 2013.

"Hearing the Voice of the Child - A Voice Not a Choice," Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Regional Training Conference, There’s No Place Like Two Homes: The Complexities of Separation, Divorce and Co-parenting, Westin Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri, November 8, 2013.

"Current Kansas Parentage Issues: Are You Both My Mother?," Kansas Legal Services, Domestic Violence Training, Topeka, Kansas, September 27, 2013.

"The Past is Prologue: Child Custody and High Conflict Parents," Horizons: Changing the Future, Shawnee County Court Services Program, Topeka, Kansas, September 12, 2013.

"Lawyers Gone Wild: Sex, Lies and Other Ways to Lose Your License," Advanced Family Law CLE program sponsored by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Kansas Chapter, and the Washburn Children and Family Law Center, Mission Hills, Kansas, September 12, 2013.

"Case Management or Parent Coordination: Choosing the Best Option,"  Seventh Annual Case Management Workshop, The Children and Family Law Center, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka Kansas, August 15, 2013 (with Larry Rute).

"Child Support in Age of Uncertain (Multiple) Parentage," Kansas Child Support Enforcement Association, Helping Families Embrace the Future 2013 Annual Training Conference and Expo, Salina, Kansas, June 13, 2013.

"Parentage: Are You Both My Mother?" YoungWilliams Child Support Services CLE Annual Conference, Topeka, Kansas, June 7, 2013.

"The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child's Mandate to Hear the Child's Voice and the Hague Abduction Convention," Colloquium recognizing the 20th anniversary of New Zealand adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, entitled "Listening to Children's Voices," The University of Auckland Faculty of Law, Auckland, New Zealand, March 25, 2013.

"Hearing the Voice of the Child Who Objects to Return," Hague Abduction Convention, Sixth World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights, Sydney, Australia, March 19, 2013; Moderated and spoke on the program "International Enforcement of Financial Obligations," (with Ian Kennedy), March 18, 2013.

"International Jurisdictional Issues: Problems with Cross-Border Families," Appellate Judges Education Institute 2012 Summit, CLE Program, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 18, 2012.

"The Defense of Marriage Act: Where Are We Now?," 7th Annual Meeting of National Association of Appellate Court Attorneys, Washington D.C., July 20, 2012.

"The ABA Family Law Section Model Relocation Act - Back to the Drawing Board?" Sustaining Families: Global and Local Perspectives, International Society of Family Law North American Regional Meeting and Fifth Annual Midwest Family Law Consortium Meeting, University of Iowa College of Law, Iowa City, Iowa, June 14-16, 2012.

Best Interests of the Child - Judicial and Parental Roles," Horizons, Solutions for Change Co-Parenting Program, Shawnee County Court Services, Topeka, Kansas, May 10, 2012.

History of Kansas Child Custody Laws and Ten Ways to be a Better Co-Parent," Horizons, Solutions for Change Co-Parenting Program, Shawnee County Court Services, Topeka, Kansas, January 12, 2012.

"Hearing the Voice of the Child in Hague Abduction Cases," Right to Freedom of Personality, Mt. Kopaonik School of Natural Law 24th Annual Conference, December 11-18, 2011 (Elrod was one of nine invited international guests).

Boot Camp Review of Family Law: Child Support Guidelines, New Cases and New Numbering, KBA Alternative Dispute Resolution CLE, Overland Park, Kansas, November 18, 2011.

"History of Kansas Child Custody Laws and Avoiding Conflict," Horizons, Solutions for Change Co-Parenting Program, Shawnee County Court Services, Topeka, Kansas, September 8, 2011.

"Ethics for Case Managers and for Attorneys Representing Children and Parents," 5th Annual Domestic Case Management Training Seminar, Children and Family Law Center and the Law Offices of Bud Dale, Washburn Law School, August 11, 2011.

"Current Trends in Family Law," Recent Developments in the Law CLE, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, June 23, 2011.

"Parenting Plans and Parenting Children," Horizons, Solutions for Change Co-Parenting Program, Shawnee County Court Services, Topeka, Kansas, May 12, 2011.

"Ireland's Decade of Family Law Reform: From Divorce to Civil Unions," Washburn University Brown Bag International Lecture, Topeka, Kansas, April 13, 2011.

"Child Support Guidelines: Past, Present and Future," Continuing Legal Education Program sponsored by Sedgwick County Court Trustee's Office, Maize, Kansas, April 1, 2011.

"Hearing the Voice of the Child in Hague Abduction Cases," 2011 Family Law Symposium: Divorcing the Multinational Family, University of Oklahoma Law Review, University of Oklahoma College of Law, Norman, Oklahoma, February 25, 2011.

"A Child's Perspective of a Parent: The Case for Intended Parenthood," Symposium on Belonging, the Families and Family Law, J. Reuben Clark School of Law, Brigham Young University, January 28, 2011.

"Learning How to Parent Post Separation to Protect Your Children," Shawnee County Court Services' Horizons Class, High Conflict Parents, Topeka, Kansas, January 13, 2011.

"Hot Topics in Family Law: Abduction, Alienation and Relocation," ABA Appellate Judges Education Institute, Dallas, Texas, November 19, 2010.

"History of Child Custody Laws in Kansas: Presumptions and Parenting," Horizons: Solutions for Change, High Conflict Parents Program, Topeka, Kansas, September 9, 2010.

"Ethics and the Family Lawyer," Case Management Training Program, Washburn Law School Children and Family Law Society, August 20, 2010 (with Dr. Bud Dale).

"The Best Interests of Parents and Children in International Relocation Cases," International Child Abduction, Relocation and Forced Marriage Conference, The Centre for Family Law and Practice, London Metropolitan University, London, England, July 1, 2010.

"Globalization, Nationalization and the Kansas Family Lawyer," Recent Developments in the Law, Washburn University Law School, Topeka, Kansas, June 24, 2010.

Moderator, "Traversing the Trail of Alienation: Rocky Relationships, Mountains of Emotion, Mile High Conflict," First Plenary Session, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) 47th Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, June 2, 2010.

Panelist "Compassion and the Litigator," Phi Alpha Delta, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, April 21, 2010.

"History of Kansas Child Custody Laws: Finding the Best interests of Your Child," Horizons: Solutions for Change, High Conflict Parents' Program, Topeka, Kansas, May 26, 2010.

"Family Law Update," Kansas Bar Association 10th Annual CLE Slam-Dunk Program, Manhattan, Kansas, January 29, 2010.

"Kansas Custody Law and High Conflict Parents," Horizons: Solutions for Change, the Shawnee County Court Services Program for High Conflict Parents, Topeka, Kansas, January 14, 2010.

"Sextexts and Subtexts - Legal Rights for Children on the Internet, At Home, and in the Courtroom," 2009 Summit for Appellate Judges, Lawyers & Staff Attorneys, Appellate Judges Education Institute, Orlando, Florida, November 20, 2009.

Panelist, "Emerging Issues in International Family Law," Advisory Committee on Private International Law, U.S. Department of State, George Washington University Law School, Washington D.C., October 20, 2009.

"Hearing the Voice of the Child in Hague Abduction Cases," Plenary Session on The Hague Convention – A Parent's Salvation or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?, American Bar Association Family Law Section Fall Meeting, Montreal, Canada, October 8, 2009.

"Horizons: You Hold the Solutions for Change," Shawnee County Horizons Program, Shawnee County Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas, September 10, 2009.

Keynote Address, "Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration is Key to Keeping Focus on Children in High Conflict Cases," 5th World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights," Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 24, 2009.

"Hot Topics in Family Law: Nationalization, De Facto Parents, and Trends," Annual Conference of the National Association of Appellate Court Attorneys, Annapolis, Maryland, July 14, 2009.

"What Parents Need to Know About Kansas Custody Law and Their Children" Shawnee County Horizons Program, Shawnee County Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas, May 21, 2009.

"High Conflict Custody: Educating Parents to Help Children," Topeka Bar Association, Topeka, Kansas, May 1, 2009 (also presented the Liberty Bell Award to Horizons, Shawnee County Court Services Program).

"Current Trends and Hot Topics in Family Law," Kansas Bar Association 9th Annual CLE Slam-Dunk Program, Manhattan, Kansas, February 13, 2009.

"Overview of the Child Custody System in Kansas," Shawnee County District Court Horizons Program, Topeka, Kansas, January 8, 2009 (also offered advice for reducing conflict between parents who want to co-parent).

"Why Are you There? You Should Be Here! – Jurisdiction Over Children Across State Lines," Appellate Judges Education Institute, 2008 Summit for Appellate Judges, Lawyers and Staff Attorneys, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 14, 2008.

"Child Support Goes International: How America's Experiments Helped Shape the Hague Convention on the International Enforcement of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance," 13th World Congress of the International Society of Family Law, Vienna, Austria, September 17, 2008.

"Historical Views of Child Custody: Who Determines What is in the Best Interest of the Child?" Shawnee County District Court Horizons Program, Topeka, Kansas, September 9, 2008.

Workshop Panelist, "You Be the Judge: High Conflict Custody," 45th Annual Conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts "Fitting the Forum to the Family: Emerging Challenges for Family Courts," Vancouver, British Columbia, May 30, 2008.

"The Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance - A New Era in Global Cooperation," Washburn University Brown Bag International Lecture, Topeka, Kansas, May 7, 2008.

Plenary Speaker, "Families, Parents, Children and Separation/Divorce in the United States Today," at the American Psychological Association and the American Bar Association Section of Family Law Joint Conference Reconceptualizing Child Custody: Past, Present and Future - Lawyers and Psychologists Working Together, May 1, 2008, Chicago, Illinois. (Other presenters at the plenary session were Dr. Joan Kelly, clinical psychologist, researcher and consultant; Dr. Robert Emery, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Children, Families and the Law at the University of Virginia; and Cynthia Mabry, Professor at Howard Law School.)

"History of Child Support Guidelines," Johnson County Bar Association Bench Bar Continuing Legal Education Program, February 13, 2008. (Panelist with Judge Thomas Foster and attorneys Sherri Loveland and Brad Short.)

"History of Child Custody Awards and Making Child-Focused Agreements," Shawnee County Horizons Program, Shawnee County Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas, February 12, 2008.

"Balancing Interests of Parents and Children in Relocation Cases," Sam A. Crow Inns of Court CLE, Topeka, Kansas, January 20, 2008.

"A Century of Legal Education at Washburn Law School," presentation to College Hill Nautilus Club, Topeka, Kansas, January 8, 2008.

"Balancing Interests of Parents and Children in Relocation Cases," Johnson County Bar Association Family Law CLE (Part 2), December 5, 2007, Overland Park, Kansas.

"The Use of International Law in Family Law Cases" presented to appellate judges, lawyers and staff attorneys at the 2007 Summit in Washington D.C. on September 28, 2007. The Conference was put on by the Appellate Judges Education Institute.

Opening Address, "Nontraditional Families and the Law," Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys and Appellate Judge's Conference, Dallas, Texas, November 9, 2006.

Invited Participate, Modern Divorce Advocacy initial three-day course, sponsored by National Institute of Trial Advocacy, Louisville, Colorado, September 2006.

Debate Participant, "Is there a Need for a Constitutional Amendment Prohibiting Same Sex Marriage?" Sponsored by Washburn University School of Law Federalist Society (with Professor Lynn Wardle, Brigham Young Law School).

Presenter, "The Use and Abuse of the 'Friendly Parent' Factor in Custody Disuptes," American Bar Association Family Law Section Fall Meeting, San Diego, California, September 29, 2005.

Presenter, "Balancing the Interests of Parents and Children in Relocation Cases," 18th Annual Family Law Institute, Topeka, Kansas, September 16, 2005.

Presenter, "Hot Tips From the Experts," American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Section of Family Law, Chicago, Illinois, August 8, 2005.

Paper, "The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (ASFA)," Sixth Annual Governor's Conference on Juvenile Justice, Topeka, Kansas, August 2, 2005.

"Current Update in Family Law" and "They Won't Stay Put - Relocation of Children With Parents," Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, July 29-30, 2005.

Paper, "Balancing the Constitutional Interests of Parents and Their Children in Relocation Cases," International Society of Family Law World Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 19-23, 2005.

Faculty Member, "Training the Lawyer to Represent the Whole Child," sponsored by National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) at Hofstra Law School, June 13-18, 2005.

"Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore - But Could She Take Her Child?" Kansas Legal Professionals Spring Seminar, Spotlight on Success, Emporia, Kansas, February 5, 2005.

"Teen Dating Violence Prevention Initiative," Washington.D.C. Member of Steering Committee that put together a two day program for 21 state teams consisting of a teenager, adult in the domestic violence prevention community, and representative of attorney general or department of education. Led small group discussions, introduced speakers, November 12-15, 2004

"Where do the Children Fit In? A Look at Washburn's Children and Family Law Center," Topeka Rotary Club Luncheon Speaker, October 18, 2004.

"Show Me the Money: Financial Issues in Divorce," Moderator, 17th Annual Family Law Institute Program, October 15, 2004, Topeka.

"Kansas Family Law Bar Review," January and June, 1988-2004.

"Kansas Property Law Bar Review," January and June, 1988-2004.

"Kansas Exam Techniques Bar Review," 1988-2004.

"Adoption and Safe Families Act: Where are We Now - Problems and Promise, Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys," 28th Annual Meeting, Park City, Utah, July 24, 2004

"Marriage and Family in the 21st Century," Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys," 28th Annual Meeting, Park City, Utah, July 23, 2004

"The Lawyer's Role in Preventing Parental Child Abduction: Looking at the Hague Convention," Kansas Women Attorneys Association Annual CLE, July 19, Lindsborg, Kansas

"Family Law Bar Review," BARBRI, June 30 (Lawrence), July 1, 2004 (Topeka).

"The Role of Judges and Court Services in High Conflict Cases," Annual Court Service Officers' Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas, May 13, 2004

"Amendments to the Kansas Child Support Guidelines - Administrative Order #180," Ellis County Bar Association Annual Meeting, May 7, 2004, Hays, Kansas

"Kansas Relocation Issues: Moving Forward or Moving Backward?," Ellis County Bar Association Annual Meeting, May 7, 2004, Hays, Kansas

"Introduction to Collaborative Law," Collaborative Law Training, Children and Family Center and KTLA, March 25-26, 2004

"What Mediators Need to Know About the New Kansas Child Support Guidelines," Heartland Mediators, February 21, 2004, Washburn Law School

"Best Interests of the Child: Looking at the ALI Approximation Rule," Case Managers Meeting, January 23, 2004 Shawnee County Courthouse

"The Role of Judges and Lawyers in High Conflict Custody Cases," High Conflict Custody Program, January 9, 2004, Wichita Bar Association and Children and Family Law Center cosponsored, Wichita, Kansas.

"Presumptions and Burdens of Proof in Relocation Cases," Utah Fellows of the Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, December 5, 2003, Salt Lake City, Utah

"Relocation and the Effects on Children," presentation to the Oklahoma Bar Association Family Law Section Annual Meeting, Nov. 13, 2003, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

"Lawyers for Children Under the ABA Standards for Lawyers Representing Children in Custody Cases," Professional Development Faculty Presentation, Topeka, November 7, 2003

"Collaborative Lawyering: New Wine in Old Bottles?," KBA Fall Seminar, Topeka, October 3, 2003

"Preventing Child Abduction in High Conflict Cases - UCCJEA and the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, High Conflict Custody Cases," Washburn Children and Family Law Center, September 12, 2003

"Review of the 2003 Shawnee County Family Law Guidelines," as member of committee which drafted the guidelines, served on panel with Judge David Bruns, Dale Somers, Ardith Smith-Woertz at the Shawnee County Courthouse, August 6, 2003

"The ALI Addresses Family Law: Allocation of Custodial Responsibility under the Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution," Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys 27th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, July 16, 2003

"Looking at the New Kansas Child Support Guidelines," Recent Developments in the Law, Washburn, June 19, 2003

"Recent Cases Under the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction," Children and Family Law Center, May 12, 2003

"ABA Proposed Standards of Practice for Lawyers Representing Children in Custody Cases," for one hour program and full day panel at the American Family and Conciliation Courts 40th Anniversary Conference in Ottawa, Canada, May 27-June 1, 2003

"There Must Be Twenty Ways To Prevent Malpractice: Avoiding Friendly Fire," Kansas Trial Lawyers Association, Center cosponsor, March 7, 2003, Overland Park, Kansas

"Current Developments in Family Law: Third Party Visitation," Kansas Legal Professionals, 2002 Fall Seminar, Topeka, Sept. 28, 2002

"ABA Proposed Standards for Lawyers Representing Children in Custody Cases," as part of Representing Children in Custody Cases, Presidential Showcase Program at ABA Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., August 9, 2002

"Razor's Edge - Children's Issues of 2001-2002," Family Law Section Program at ABA Annual Meeting, August 10, 2002.

"Are You My Father? DNA, UPA and De Facto Parenting," 26th annual CASA Seminar (ABA Judicial Division Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys), July 10, 2002

"Terminating Parental Rights: Expedited Permanency Under the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA)," 26th annual CASA Seminar (ABA Judicial Division Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys), July 9, 2002

"Bounds of Advocacy 2000: Reviewing Special Sets of Ethics for Family Lawyers," Recent Developments in the Law, Washburn Law School, June 20, 2002

"Reforming the System to Protect Children in High Conflict Custody Cases," for Minnesota Comparative Family Law Symposium, William Mitchell College of Law, May 30, 2002

"Parental Alienation in Custody Cases: The Myth and the Facts," 13th Annual Family Law Conference of Nevada Bar Association, Ely, Nevada, March 14-16, 2002

"Relocation and Long Distance Parenting," Kansas Family Law Practice, Kansas Trial Lawyers Association, Wichita, Kansas, March 1, 2002

"Representing Children," on panel at Tri State Conference on High Conflict Custody Cases in New York, February, 2002

"Raising Healthy Children in an Age of Divorce and Nonmarriage: Dealing with the High Conflict Custody Case," ABA Family Law Section - Johnson Foundation, Wingspread Conference, organizer, presenter and participant, Racine, Wisconsin, September 8-10, 2000.

"Hot Topics in Family Law: Relocation, Third Party Visitation and Alternative Reproductive Technologies," Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, July 29, 2000.

"The Razor's Edge - A Look at Recent Developments in Issues Relating to Children," presented at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting, New York, July 8, 2000.

"Balancing the State Interest with the Needs of the Family - A Look at Family Policy," AFCC Annual Meeting Institute, New Orleans, June 1, 2000.

"Relocation Cases: From File to Trial" and "Balancing the Interests of the State with the Needs of the Family," for American Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Meeting, New Orleans, June 1, 2000.

"Child Custody and Relocation: Tough Issues for Prents, Children and Courts," AFCC Annual Meeting Institute, New Orleans, May 31, 2000.

"Recent Developments in Family Law - Kansas and Beyond," "What Lawyers Need to Know About the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act," and "the Ethical Family Lawyer - Contingency Fees, Multi-Disciplinary Practice and More," Kansas Family Law for Kansas Trial Lawyers Association, March 3, 2000.

"Brave New World Meets the Cleavers: A Look at the Family in the '90s," Ninth Annual Lindsborg Conference, Lindsborg, July.

"The Razor's Edge--A Look at Recent Developments in Issues Relating to Children" and "The Second Generation of Child Support Issues," Presidential Showcase Program on Child Support Issues in the U.S. and Canada, American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, August.

"Kansas Family Law-A Two Year Review," 1998 Judge Advocate General Continuing Legal Education Conference, Topeka, September.

"To Move or not to Move: Child Custody and Relocation - The Question of the '90s," Oklahoma Bar Association Annual Meeting, family law section, Tulsa, Okla, November.

Kansas Bar Review on Exam Taking Techniques, Personal and Real Property and Family Law, Topeka, January and June.

"What is a Family?" faculty forum, WU School of Law, March; new student forum, April

"The Role of the Attorney for the Child vs. The Role of the Guardian ad Litem, Kansas Bar Association GAL Training, Lawrence, May.

"Sex, Lies and Conflicts of Interest: A Look at Ethics and Malpractice Issues in Family Law," Annual Family Law Institute, WU School of Law, June.

"Intercourse in Cyberspace: Lawyer Ethics and the Internet," Recent Developments in the Law, WU School of Law, June.

"The Razor's Edge-Pas Trois: Children's Issues," American Bar Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August.

"Keep up with Congress and the Courts in Family Law," Kansas Legal Services Training, Wichita, October.

What's New in Family Law?" Kansas Trial Lawyers, Emporia, October.

"Who Speaks for Children?" Kansas League of Women Voters, Topeka, December.

"Family Law Exam Taking Techniques and Personal and Real Property," Kansas Bar Review, Topeka, January and June.

"Thinking and Teaching About Law in a Global Context," American Association of Law Schools, San Franciso, Calif., January.

Testimony, House Judiciary on HB 2816, Topeka, February.

Testimony, Senate Judiciary Committee, changes to K.S.A. 60-1615, February.

"Is a 'Covenant Marriage' the Answer to No Fault Divorce?" Westminister Presbyterian Women, Topeka, February.

"Legal, Psychological and Functional Definitions of a Family," Faculty Forum, Topeka, March.

"Where Do Children Fit in to the Changing Definitions of Family?" Downtown Optimist Club, Topeka, April.

"What Rights for Children?" Downtown Optimist Club, Topeka, April.

"Family Law Update of Custody, Relocation and Third party Visitation," Family Law Institute, WU School of Law, May.

"Family Law for the Next Century," Recent Developments in Law, WU School of Law, June.

"Family Law - Statutory and Case Developments," Wichita Family Law Continuing Legal Education, Wichita.

"Family Law Update: Children's issues Advance to the Forefront," Kansas Attorney's Association Conference, Lindsborg.

"A First-Year Follow-Up of Washburn University Education Graduates," Washburn Teacher Education Advisory Council, Topeka.

"How to Ethically Represent Children," Kansas Bar Association guardian ad litem training, Overland Park.

"A Look at the Creation of Ethical Standards for Lawyers Who Represent Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases," American Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas.

"Redefining Families and Responsibilities," North American Conference on Family Law, Quebec, Quebec, Canada.

"Responsibilities of the Guardian Ad Litem: A New Idea," Guardian Ad Litem: Be Prepared When It's Your Turn, Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association, Kansas City, Mo.

Professional Service

As Reporter, and with Barbara Atwood, Chair of the drafting committee for the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act (UFLAA), met virtually with the family law legislative committee of the Washington Bar Association discussing implementation of the UFLAA there, June 26, 2024.

Participated in a Family Law Quarterly Virtual "Scholars’ Workshop for New Articles," June 24, 2024. (Three proposals for articles included topics on systemic Barriers hindering compliance civil protection orders, "Evolution of the Law Impacting LGBTQ+ Families," and "Amplifying Children’s Voices in Child Custody Mediation").

Attended the Kansas Bar Association's Annual Legislative Reception which was joined by the Johnson County Bar, Topeka Bar and Wichita Bar Associations, January 24, 2024.

Gave comments and welcome at the Grand Opening of the Gerard Manley Hopkins 35th International Festival, Newbridge College Theatre, Newbridge, Ireland, July 21, 2023.

Attended the Secretary of State Legal Adviser's Advisory Committee on Private International Law, April 24, 2023 (Zoom).

Attended the meeting of the Uniform Law Commission's Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Law on March 22, 2023 (as Reporter, prepared a written memo and orally presented on about 47 cases using various uniform laws, highlighting any problems with the laws or their interpretation).

Participated in the U.S. Department of State's Public Meeting on the Hague Convention on Private Interntional Law Final Report of the Experts Group on Parentage/Surrogacy Project, February 1, 2023 (The report discusses the feasibility of one or more private international law instruments on legal parentage).

Submitted written testimony to the Kansas House Judiciary Committee on HB 2017 the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, January 19, 2023 (The House passed HB 2017 unanimously on February 1, 2023).

On behalf of the Children and Family Law Center, hosted a two hour presentation on Children's Rights and How to Secure Them. Discussed the federal/state connections and difficulties in securing rights for children as part of program titled Children's Rights and Legal Protections by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and Global Ties, Kansas City, Kansas, November 30, 2022.

As Editor Emeritus of the Family Law Quarterly, attended the fall meeting of the Family Law Quarterly Editorial Board on October 28, 2022.

Attended the Kansas Bar Association Annual Awards Luncheon where she received a Certificate for 50 Years of Service to the Kansas Bar, October 21, 2022.

As Reporter for the Uniform Law Commission Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Laws, met with attorneys representing the Interstate Commission for Juveniles to discuss the application of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act to certain classes of juveniles, September 20, 2022 (with Chair Barbara Atwood).

Attended the Central States Law Schools Association Annual Conference, Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, September 9-10, 2022.

Attended the zoom meeting of the Child Participation in Family Court Proceedings Study Committee, September 8, 2022 (the committee is putting together a proposal for the Uniform Law Commission recommending a drafting committee to prepare a uniform law on child participation in custody proceedings).

Participated in the Zoom committee meeting of the Uniform Law Commission Study Committee on Child Participation in Family Court Proceedings, May 17, 2022.

Attended a virtual teleconference on "The Uniform Unregulated Child Custody Transfer Act: Ending the Practice of Transferring Children Using the Internet," sponsored by the Uniform Law Commission on April 20, 2022.

Attended a meeting of the family law members of the Department of State Legal Adviser's Advisory Committee on Private International Law, March 25, 2022.

As Reporter, prepared written materials on several topics for discussion of potential future uniform acts and discussed recent cases around the country that used uniform acts, such as the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act and Uniform Interstate Family Support Act at the Uniform Law Commission Joint Editorial Board on Uniform Family Law virtual meeting, March 9, 2022.

Submitted written testimony and testified on HB 2496 before the Kansas House Judiciary Committee, January 26, 2022 (The bill proposes a Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act).

Reappointed to the Department of State's Advisory Committee on Private International Law (ACPIL), 2022-2023.

As Reporter for the Joint Editorial Board on Uniform Family Laws, made a presentation to the Uniform Law Commission Scope Committee about establishing a drafting committee to work on hearing the child's voice in family court proceedings, November 3, 2021.

As Family Law Quarterly Editor Emeritus, participated in the FLQ Board of Editors meeting, American Bar Association Family Law Section Fall meeting, Orlando, Florida, October 8, 2021.

As past chair of the American Bar Association Family Law Section in 2000-2001, recorded a "video history" of her remembrances of her time, October, 2021.

Attended the Family Law Council meeting of the American Bar Association Family Law Section, ABA Family Law Section Fall meeting, Orlando, Florida, October 7, 2021.

Attended a two hour webinar on an international perspective on the voice of the child in family law proceedings, July 22, 2021 (It discussed how the voice of the child is heard in child arrangements/custody orders, abduction proceedings and mediation).

As Reporter for the Uniform Law Commission Joint Editorial Board on Uniform Family Law, attended the Board meeting and made a presentation of the 54 cases decided in 2020-21 to date on the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act and the Uniform Parentage Act, March 19, 2021 (zoom meeting).

As reporter of the Uniform Law Committee on Uniform Family Laws, presented a proposal to the Uniform Law Commission Scope and Program Committee to establish a study committee for a Uniform Act on Children's Participation in Private Custody Proceedings on January 11, 2021 (with Barbara Atwood, Chair).

As Past Chair of the Section, the Editor Emeritus of the Family Law Quarterly, attended the council meeting at the Virtual Fall CLE Conference of the American Bar Association Family Law Section, October 20, 2020. She also attended several CLE presentations and social events via zoom.

Attended the meeting of the Family Law Quarterly Editorial Board as Editor Emeritus, July 15, 2020 and October 19, 2020 (virtual).

Attended the meeting of the Uniform Law Commission's Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Law, October 16, 2020 (virtual).

Submitted written testimony on Senate Bill 157 to the House Judiciary Committee for the hearing, March 9, 2020 (SB 157 would establish a presumption of equal parenting time at the time of filing for divorce).

Testified for the Kansas Bar Association in favor of adopting the Uniform Family Arbitration Act, House Bill 2533, in the House Judiciary Committee, February 6, 2020.

Member, United States Department of State Advisory Committee on Private International Law, February 2019 - October 22, 2021.

Attended a Conference on Gender, Inclusivity and Protecting the 21st Century Family, sponsored by the International Centre for Family Law, Policy and Practice in association with The University of Westminster, Westminster Law School, London, July 1-6, 2019; moderated a panel of lawyers from Scotland and South Africa on "Transgendered Children" and a lawyer from Italy on "Mediation", July 4, 2019; presented a paper on "Hearing the Voices of Children: Requiring Counsel in International Cases," July 5, 2019.

Participated in the U.S. Department of State's Annual Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Private International Law (ACPIL), Washington D.C., May 23, 2019.

Prepared written testimony and testified in opposition to SB 157, March 7, 2019 (amending the divorce code to presume 50/50 parenting time for a child in all temporary orders).

Participated in a meeting of the Secretary of State's Advisory Committee on Private International Law (ACPIL) February 27, 2019 (discussing the proposed "Guide to Good Practices on Article 13(1)(b)(grave risk of harm defense) of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction").

Participated in the Kansas Bar Association Fall Legislative Conference, Topeka, Kansas, November 19, 2018 (included discussions of possible legislation in the coming session).

As Reporter, participated in the Uniform Law Commission Joint Editorial Board on Family Law meeting Washington D.C., November 15-17, 2018.

As Editor Emeritus of the Family Law Quarterly, chaired the editorial board meeting at the American Bar Association Fall Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, October 5, 2018.

Submitted written testimony and testified in opposition to HB 2529, February 6, 2018 (the bill would create a presumption of fifty/fifty residency for all children in disputed custody cases that could only be overcome by clear and convincing evidence) also submitted written testimony on SB 257 which had the same provisions.

Member, Board of Editors, Brill Research Perspectives in Family Law in a Global Society, 2017-.

Reporter, Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Law, 2017-2021.

Participated in the 16th World Congress of the International Society of Family Law, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2017.

Participated in the American Bar Association Family Law Section Spring Meeting in Savannah, Georgia, May 3-7, 2017.

As Reporter for the Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Laws (JEB-UFL) for the Uniform Law Commission, attended the meeting of the JEB-UFL, Chicago, Illinois, November 17-18, 2016.

As Reporter for the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, participated in American Bar Association Roundtable: An Overview of the Family Law Arbitration Act, presented by the ABA Family Law Litigation Committee, November 4, 2016.

Recognized and honored for twenty four years as Editor in Chief of the Family Law Quarterly at the American Bar Association Family Law Council Meeting, Quebec, Canada, October 20, 2016,

Award recipient, Outstanding Contribution and Meritorious Service as Editor in Chief of the Family Law Quarterly from 1992-2016, Family Law Section Awards Luncheon, American Bar Association annual meeting, August 6, 2016.

As Reporter for the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, met with the drafting committee and presented the FLAA to the Uniform Law Commission for its approval at its annual meeting in Stowe, Vermont, July 11-12, 2016.

Recipient, Chief Justice Kay McFarland Attorney of Achievement Award presented by Women Attorneys Association of Topeka for "Professional Excellence and Commitment to Service", 2016.

Participated as Reporter at Uniform Law Commission drafting committee meeting for Family Law Arbitration Act, Chicago, Illinois, March 18-20, 2016.

Three hour plenary program, "Same-Sex Marriage: State Supreme Courts Navigating the SCOTUS Ruling," Conference of Chief Justices Midyear Meeting in Monterey, California, February 2, 2016 (with Professors David Cruz, USC and Eugene Volokh, UCLA with Vermont Associate Justice Beth Robinson moderating).

As Reporter for a Family Law Arbitration Act, participated in the drafting committee meeting, Washington D.C., November 5-8, 2015.

Attended the Annual Meeting of the Uniform Law Commission, July 12-15, 2015. As Reporter for the Family Law Arbitration Act (FLAA), participated in the second reading of the FLAA on July 13, 2015, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Recipient, A. Roy Myers Excellence in Research Award, 2015, Washburn University.

Attended as a committee member, the Secretary of State's Legal Adviser's Advisory Committee on Private International Law, Washington D.C., November 3, 2014.

Chaired the Family Law Quarterly Editorial Board Meeting, October 18, 2014 and attended the Family Law Council meeting, October 16, 2014 at the American Bar Association Family Law Section Fall CLE Conference, Stowe, Vermont.

Signer on Family Law Amicus Briefs filed in the following cases challenging same-sex marriage bans: Baskin v. Bogan and Wolf v. Walker (7th Circuit), August 5, 2014; Latta v. Otter (9th Circuit), July 25, 2014.

Joined with law professors, sociologists, psychologists and lawyers with expertise in social welfare in writing a letter to Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. John Boehner urging them to take into account the youth and vulnerability of the unaccompanied immigrant children in developing policy. The letter urges child-focused screening and interview practices, July 21, 2014.

Reappointed to serve on the United States Department of State's Legal Adviser's Advisory Committee on Private International Law, 2014.

As Reporter for the Family Law Arbitration Act, participated in the first reading of the current draft of the FLAA at the Uniform Law Commission Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, July 12, 2014.

Attended the American Bar Association Family Law Section Spring Meeting in Hamilton, Bermuda, May 7-11, 2014. (She participated in the Leadership Institute on Wednesday, May 7th. The Publications for the Section also hosted a "Meet the Authors" High Tea. She led a Family Law Quarterly Board meeting, sat on the Family Law Council and participated in the Publications Committee).

Attended the drafting committee for Family Law Arbitration Act, Washington D.C., February 20-13, 2014.

Brief of Amici Curiae of the Family and Child Welfare Law Professors Addressing the Merits and in Support of the Respondents in United States v. Windsor, 133 S. Ct. 2675 (2013).

As the Reporter for a Family Law Arbitration Act being drafted by the Uniform Law Commission, participated in the drafting committee meeting on October 24-27, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois.

Attended the meeting of ACPIL, the legal adviser's Advisory Committee on Private International Law in Washington D.C. October 20-21, 2013. Several of the participants met to talk about some of the major international family law issues.

Attended the Council meeting for the American Bar Association Family Law Section on October 17, 2013 in Park City, Utah. She also chaired the editorial board meeting for the Family Law Quarterly on October 19, 2013.

Moderated plenary sessions at the Second International Family Law and Practice Conference: Parentage, Equality and Gender, London, England. July 3-5, 2013 (with Honorable Chief Justice Diana Bryant of the Family Court of Australia; Professor Julia Sloth Nielsen of University of Western Cape, South Africa, and Professor Elizabeth Cooke, Law Commissioner for England and Wales and Professor of Law University of Reading).

Participated in the 6th World Congress on Family Law and Children's Rights, The theme was Building Bridges: From Principle to Reality, March 17-20, 2013. Chaired the session "Enforcing International Financial Orders" featuring Ian Kennedy, former president of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, March 18, 2013. Presented in a session "Hague Abduction Convention" on the topic "Hearing the Voice of the Child Who Objects to Return," Sydney, Australia, March 19, 2013.

Participated in the work of the drafting committee for amendments to the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, Tucson, Arizona, January 31 - February 3, 2013.

Peer reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Division of Social Sciences for project involving interdisciplinary research on child sexual abuse allegations in divorce cases with an eye toward developing evidence standards, December 2012.

Attended a meeting of the Uniform Law Commission's Joint Editorial Board for Family Law, Chicago, Illinois, November 17, 2012.

Member, Advisory Board for the Ukrainian Law Journal's "Law in the USA," 2012-.

Attended committee meeting of the Family Law Committee of International Law Section of American Bar Association and Family Law Conference, Washington D.C., May 24-26, 2012.

Attended ABA Family Law Section Spring Meeting, Miami, Florida, April 19-22, 2012.

Attended the drafting committee meeting for the revisions to the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, Washington D.C., March 8-11, 2012.

Attended the Uniform Law Commission Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Law meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 2-4, 2011.

Attended meetings of the Family Law Section Council and Publications Development Board, American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, August 4-7, 2011.

Participated in Solidarities Between Generations conference, International Society of Family Law, Lyon, France, July 18-24, 2011.

Attended the Kansas Supreme Child Support Guidelines Advisory Committee meeting, Kansas City, Kansas, June 24, 2011, and Topeka, Kansas, March 25 and April 29, 2011.

Participated in the Topeka Bar Show as part of the Kansas Bar Association Annual Meeting, June 8-9, 2011.

Attended the Kansas Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Child Support Guidelines, Topeka, Kansas, April 29, 2011.

Attended an Appleseed Board dinner, Kansas City, Kansas, April 20, 2011.

Attended the ABA Family Law Section spring meeting, Amelia Island, Florida, April 5-10, 2011; served on the committee which completed drafting a Model Relocation Act, April 6, the Act was approved by the Family Law Section Council, April 8th; attended Family Law Council meetings, April 8-9, 2011.

Fulbright Senior Specialist, School of Social Sciences and Law, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland, January 31-February 19, 2011 (explore development of teaching and research in child and family law at DIT, in particular to develop synergies between the distinct but related disciplines of law and social sciences).

  • Speaker, "Moving Toward the Child's Best Interests in Relocation Cases," Children and Family Law Education Program, February 12, 2011 (with Geoffrey Shannon, Dr. Fergis Ryan and Kris Micci).
  • Presentations to classes:
    • "History of Child Custody Law in the United States: Presumptions and Preferences."
    • "Child Victims of Domestic Violence," Victimology Class, February 2, 2011.
    • "Preventing Child Abduction: Risk and Resiliency Factors for Children," Risk and Resiliency Class, February 17, 2011.
    • "Evolution of Custody Law in the United States," Family Law Class, February 3, 2011.
  • Reviewed curriculum, met with administrators and faculty in both departments of law and social sciences, and suggested ways for more interdisciplinary collaboration).

Attended, Family Law Council meeting (October 21 and 22, 2010); Drafting committee working on a Model Relocation Act (October 22, 2010); Participated in a discussion, ABA Section of Litigation draft of a Model Representation of Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases Act (October 23, 2010); Held a meeting of the Family Law Quarterly Board of Editors at the ABA Family Law Section Fall Meeting (October 23, 2010), Ft. Worth, Texas.

Chaired, Plenary Session, International Child Abduction, Relocation and Forced Marriage Conference, The Centre for Family Law and Practice, London Metropolitan University, London, England, June 30, 2010.

Member, Secretary of State Advisory Committee on Private International Law (ACPIL), 2009- (Harold Koh, U.S. State Department Legal Adviser, Chair).

Co-Chair, Children's Rights Committee of the Individual Rights and Responsibility Section of the American Bar Association, 2009-2010.

Attended, American Bar Association Family Law Council Section Spring Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, April 22-26, 2009 (also attended the Chair's Court Meeting for Past Chairs and continuing education programs).

Attended, Uniform Law Commission Joint Editorial Board, Uniform Family Laws Meeting, March 7, 2009, Chicago, Illinois (Board discussed the decision to terminate work on a Uniform Relocation Act, the second reading of the Uniform Collaborative Law Act, and formation of study committees on a couple of other family topics).

Participated as a member of the Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Laws at its meeting in Chicago, December 5-7, 2008. The meeting was to discuss the status of UIFSA (2008), the Hague Support Convention (2007), the Hague Children's Convention (1996), the Premarital Agreement Act, and a possible Uniform Relocation Act.

Chaired, Family Law Quarterly Editorial Board Meeting (to plan future Quarterly issues into 2010), October 4, 2008.

Attended, American Bar Association Family Law Section, Family Law Council Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, October 2, 2008.

Guest, "Til Divorce Do Us Part" (KCTE 1510 AM Saturday morning radio show hosted by Susan Saper Galamba on family law issues), April 5, 2008. Professor Elrod spoke on preventing child abduction. As the Reporter for the Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act, enacted in Kansas and six other states, Professor Elrod talked about the risk factors for abduction and the possible remedies.

Recipient, "The Commissioner's Achievement Award for her efforts 'on behalf of children around the world' [for her work on the] International Child Support Treaty at the Hague in November 2007" (Margot Bean, Commissioner, Office of Child Support Enforcement, Department of Health and Human Services).

Attended as Member, Uniform Laws Commission Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Law Meeting, Washington D.C., December 8, 2007.

Attended meeting of the Study Group on the 1996 Hague Protection of Children's Convention, Washington D.C., December 7, 2007 (sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law, and the Bureau of Consular Affairs).

Official observer for International Society of Family Law at the 21st Diplomatic Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 2007 (Conference result was the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance).

Kansas Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Child Support, proposed amendments to Kansas Child Support Guidelines that were adopted by the Kansas Supreme Court, October 2003, effective January 1, 2004.

Certified as Domestic Mediator by the Kansas Supreme Court, 1999 to present

American Bar Association

  • Appointed, liaison for the Family Law Section to the ABA Rule of Law Initiative, 2011-2012.
  • Re-appointed liaison to the Uniform Law Commission Family Law Joint Editorial Board, 2011-2012
  • Member of ABF - Fellows of the American Bar Foundation - invited to join October 2003 - attended meeting of Kansas ABF in Topeka, October, 2003.
  • ABA Steering Committee on the Unmet Legal Needs of Children, 2002-2005 (Presidential appointment).
  • Co-Chair of the ABA Pro Bono Child Custody Project, reappointed 2002-2008.
  • Family Law Section Representative to the Joint Editorial Board on Uniform Family Laws of National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
  • Served as appointee to Access to Legal Services Committee - Subcommittee on Unified Family Courts, 2001-2002.
  • Member of the Family Law Section Council, 1988 - present.
  • Past Chair of Family Law Section, August 2001.
  • Editor, Family Law Quarterly, 1992-2016.
  • Member of the Drafting Committee for "Standards for Lawyers Representing Children in Custody and Visitation Cases"September 25, 2002, Chicago, Illinois and at ABA meetings. ABA Family Law Section passed them May 2, 2003; the American Bar Association officially passed them August 12, 2003.

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws / Uniform Law Commission

  • Uniform Law Commission Reporter for the Joint Editorial Board on Uniform Family Law, 2015-.
  • Reporter for Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, 2013-2016 (three states have enacted it).
  • Observer for Protection of Children - Amendments to the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, 2010-2013.
  • Reporter for drafting committee for Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act, Spring 2004-2007 (fifteen States have now enacted it).
  • Attended annual meetings of the Joint Editorial Board, drafted memos on current law on uniform family laws and posted to the Uniform Law Commission website on family law acts.
  • Member, Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Family Law, 1998-.

Honors and Awards

Distinguished Service Award, Kansas Bar Association, October 21, 2021.

Washburn University School of Law Alumni Association Lifetime Achievement Award, 2018.

Honored in the article "Dedication to a Fearless Leader, Lawyer, Child Advocate, and Friend: Linda Henry Elrod," 50 Family Law Quarterly 363 (2016) (by Hon. Gail D. Baker).

Justice Kay McFarland Attorneys of Achievement Award from Topeka Bar Association, 2016.

A.Roy Myers, Award for Excellence in Faculty Research, 2015.

American Businesswoman’s Association Woman of Distinction, 2006.

Washburn University Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award, 2005.

YWCA Woman of Excellence Award, 1997.

Kansas Child Support Enforcement Association Hall of Fame, 1989.

Kansas Bar Association Outstanding Service Award, 1986.

Washburn University School of Law Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award, 1986.