Message from Dean Jackson

Hello, Washburn Law Alumni and Community,

I know I’ve said it before, but what an exciting time to be a part of Washburn’s history! Last week, saw a historic event with the inauguration of JuliAnn Mazachek as Washburn University’s 15th president. I am one of many people excited to witness Dr. Mazachek’s impact on the university and on our beloved law school.

Exciting things continue to take place as we head toward the holidays and the end of another semester. While we await the results from some of our recent graduates who sat for the Bar exam, preliminary outcomes continue to look positive. I am proud of this trend that has taken place since the implementation of BARBRI test prep being provided to each of our students. I am eagerly awaiting those final scores and will share our pass rates as soon as they become available.

As we head into November, we also have a couple of opportunities for you to join us. Next week, I will be joining our alumni team on the road throughout eastern Kansas. For our alumni in those cities, we hope you will join us. Visit to RSVP or simply join us at our designated location. We welcome you to join us and hear about the wonderful initiatives happening at the law school.

The following week, if you’re interested in gaining CLE credit, we have one more opportunity available to you. On Nov. 5, the newest Center for Excellence at Washburn Law will be offering a panel discussion that will provide one hour of CLE credit. The Intellectual Property and Technology Center will bring together a cross-section of the intellectual property community, including IP scholars, law firm practitioners, in-house counsel, and policy makers. 

Finally, a key outcome of this fabulous new home is the ability to expose our students to an even larger swath of the legal community. Last month, we hosted a number of judges from the United States District Court for the District of Kansas, who had lunch and met individually with students throughout the day. On Nov. 3, we welcomed the Kansas Supreme Court to hear several live cases in the Heath Family Appellate Courtroom. The Kansas Court of Appeals will also hear cases in the Heath Courtroom on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Each of these visits is open to our students and the public, we welcome you to join our students in these engaging learning opportunities.

It’s an exciting time here, and I am excited to continue to share news at the law school as it happens. As always, I welcome you to reach out with any questions. I will always stand by my statement: this is your law school. I am always happy to hear from you.



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